The Friendliest Dug Cafe in Edinburgh
July 04, 2019

I love Edinburgh its so dog friendly and before I moved here 7 years ago I hadn’t experiacned any place like it. Not only are the dog owning locals friendly but the non dog owning locals are dog friendly. Its rare that I can take my dogs for a walk without bumping into someone who wants to clap them or talk about them.
As a self confessed coffee snob/addict I love how many cafes are dog friendly and allow my lunatics to join me inside when I order.
But after trying many cafes I can safely say I have now found the best dug friendly cafe of them all. The Dug Cafe at Cafe Voltire, held every Sunday 12pm to 6pm, It can be found just off the Royal Mile on Blair Street.

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I first discovered this place a couple of months ago, After seeing it mentioned on Facebook I took my dog Erick and headed up there on a bus. I got to enjoy a coffee or two with my friend while he roamed around flirting/playing with the staff and customers.
Its described as “a welcoming retreat for dogs to socialise and get their tails wagging!”But there is much more to it and why am I happy to call it the friendliest dug cafe in Edinburgh well let me tell you….
Its Always All About The Dogs.

The Cafe is set up for the comfort of the dogs, it isn’t mearly dog friendly its more like a dog cafe that is human friendly…. but only if your human is well behaved of course.
Bowls of water await the dogs, A big basket of dog toys they can dive into, Doggy treats are on offer along with pupchinnos at the bar…. Erick has tried once or twice to help himself to a treat thankfully they were just out of reach. Oh yeah and there is a ball pool for the dogs too, which I didn’t think Erick would get in but he was well in there!
If your dog wants to sit on the sofa beside you or lounge in booth then thats perfectly cool. If they want to wander about having fun with other dogs or their humans then thats totally cool too. Really does anywhere else such a dog friendly environment
Dogs playing together or you throwing a toy for your dog are normal in fact expected!There is also a donation bin for toys to go to the Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home along information on how you can support them.
The Space.

The unfortante thing is there are very few cafes that are suitable for someone like me, a large dog owner. If you have a Border Terrier its no problem if they aren’t on your knee then they fit comfortably under your table.
Neither of these are a viable option when I have Erick my Old English Sheepdog in tow, don’t get me wrong he would quite like to sit on my knee (he frequently does at home on the sofa though). But he is normally left to what limited space there is, his size, coupled with a big butt plus the grace of a drunk elephant do not make for an easy visit for me, Erick or the other customers.
Not at Cafe Voltire, their space is huge no squeezing in no matter what size of dog you have! A welcoming basment setting with exposed stone walls, large wooden beams and a gorgeous bar. There are deep comfy sofas, big booths plus a very generous window seat. Plenty of tables and seats to had by all.
You’re also welcome to let your dog off lead so they can wander around. If your dog is like my Erick and resident Staffie Maggie then they are free to go and flirt with anyone willing to provide a butt scratch or a doggy biscuit.

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Don’t Have a Dog, No Problem

You are still welcome join the fun, if the dogs are off lead then its safe to say they will come and say hi, I am sure with one or two dog biscuits in your hand you’ll have fast new friends.
Enjoy a drink then clap or play with a dog or two on your way to the bar…. who can resist that on lazy Sunday? Plus you get to have all the fun with the dogs without taking them out for a nature call or apolguising for your overly friendly dog!
Coffee, Music, and Donuts

Just so you aren’t left out while your dog is off having a social life, there is great coffee on offer I can’t say no to a good Mocha and I am told the tea is very good if you thats your cuppa of choice.
The bar its self is of course open for those wanting a cocktail, pint or glass of wine! You can partake in a amazing donut made by Edinburgh’s own Kilted Donuts. I had a Carmel Peanut Butter filled one which was huge and equally scrumptious, I would have eaten it again if it I wasn’t stuffed full.
The music adds to relaxed vibe too a great mix of classic soul which really does make for lazy Sunday outing.
The staff are nothing short of friendly to both humans and their dogs, although don’t be upset if your dog gets more attention then you do in the best possible way of course. This made me love this place even more. More often then not at other dog friendly cafes my dog Erick is never really given any attention and I’ll be honest I silently judge anyone who doesn’t acknowledge him or at least say hi.
Last but not least the staff also have their own dogs there too. Abi is owned by a very happy Staffie Pup called Maggie who loves to play, occasionally her older rescue Staffie Masie is there too.
So if you and your 4 legged companion are looking for something to do on Sunday afternoon then head over to the Dug Cafe at Cafe Voltire. You can chill while your dog wears themselves out playing and flirting!
Maybe we will see you there Suzanne & Erick!

Sign up to my Practically Perfect Dog Training Emails Here

Further Reading

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