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Pain and Behaviour: Why a 15 Minute Vet Check Is Not Enough.
At the moment a Vet telling an owner their dog is physically fine after less than 15 minutes, it’s a behaviour problem is nothing more than a false sense of security. It delays finding out about any potential pain or discomfort until the condition has severely progressed.
is my reactive dog in pain edinburgh? Reactive and Behaviour dog problems. Dynamic Dog Assessment.
How to Change Your Reactive Dogs Behaviour
Edinburgh Dog Behaviour - Reactive Dogs Reactivity happens for a reason. True Story, reactivity is never your dog being naughty its an important bit of information your dog is giving and it also gives your dog something that they need in that moment. Maybe their...
How To Help Your Reactive Dog
Reactive Dog Training Edinburgh Tips To Help Your Dog Living and working in Leith, Edinburgh is hard work when you have a reactive and anxious dog, I should know I live with my own barking lunctic Ally in the heart of Leith. Ally is a 3 year old, Old English Sheepdog...
Dynamic Dog Case Study: Brodie
The problem isn't always straight forward, check out Brodie's Red Herrings. Brodie is a very handsome and playful Old English Sheepdog, his owners reached out to me over problems they were having, with Brodie growling and barking towards his family in the home, at...
Dynamic Dog Case Study: Puka
The Vet Doesn't Always Know It All...... Puka(1) I first met Puka when I had be called in to help with his brother Albi's reactivity and after inital work put in place, we discovered that Puka and Albi were having fights. The fights were in part down to one or the...
Dynamic Dog Case Study Betsy
We knew it wasn’t just a Behaviour Problem I met Besty, a Romanian Rescue Dog who was initially struggling to cope with the urban life of Edinburgh. She was reluctant to go out, scared of traffic noise, strangers and dogs. In short life outside her new home was a lot...
Dynamic Dog Case Study: Yuki
For Years the Vet said she wasn’t in pain Yuki is a 7 year old Westie and lives with her human who is a dog walker and dog trainer. Yuki had developed a ‘skip’ as she walked when she was 2 years old, after noticing that her human took her for a Vet check up. The...
Dynamic Dog Case Study Katja
It wasn’t a dislocating knee but something else entirely Katja is a pocket rocket Foreign Rescue dog who I met in Nov 2021 initially because she was reactive to visitors and reactive to dogs and some people on walks. Whenever visitors arrived at her home Katja...
Should Your Reactive Dog Be Off Lead?
No dog owner sets out to have a reactive dog, on the list of things we want for our dogs being a barking lunatic probably never made the cut. I sure as hell did not want a dog who thinks bikes, skateboards, scooters and suitcases on wheels are to be herded and barked...
Relaxation for Reactive Dogs
If your dog doesn’t get the chance to fully relax and let go of his stress, the chances are high that on tomorrow's walk he will react much quicker to a trigger or be more fearful than usual. This is because there is only so much stress a dog can carry around before...
Reactive Dog Specialist Trainer Edinburgh
Suzanne dog behaviourist and Dynamic Dog Practitioner Reactive Dog Specialist Trainer Edinburgh What exactly do we mean when we say a dog is reactive? It's a dog who 'Over Reacts' to something in its environment whether that is by barking, lunging, growling, hiding,...
Training a reactive dog to be a calm dog in 8 weeks
Training a Reactive Dog to be a Calm Dog in 8 weeks Yes dog training does work for reactive dogs and you can get a calmer canine in 8 weeks. First of all, we need to understand what EXACTLY your dog reacts to. When you say dogs is it really all dogs or is it large...
Professional Reactive Dog Trainer Edinburgh – Barking Solutions
Reactive Dog Trainer Edinburgh - Solutions for Barking Sound familiar? Your dog barks/lunges/growls at EVERY dog/bike/man/skateboard/insert your dog's trigger here and you just can't understand why? Read common causes below, but have you considered that your pooch is...
Is A Reactive Dog Just A Naughty Dog?
Erick helping Frankie with Confidence IS YOUR REACTIVE DOG JUST BEING NAUGHTY? He knows he is supposed to behave, he just doesn't. He chooses not to listen and barks like crazy I've heard those statements and variations of them over the years, the shocking truth is a...
How NOT To Train Your Rescue Dog
reactive dog2 As a professional dog trainer I am always studying and learning, be it from a new dog I am working with, a fellow dog trainer, a new book or tv show. I like to keep learning because the day I think I know it all will be the day I fail at my job. Training...
Questions to ask a Qualified Dog Trainer
Qualified Dog Trainer Edinburgh I am a qualified dog trainer and behaviourist, in my 5 years of working with dogs I have never stopped learning and I don't intend to. The truth is, the dog training industry is unregulated and there are a number of Professional Bodies...
How to tell if a dog is in Pain
Dog Training Edinbugh - Is My Dog In Pain? It a strange question isn't it? Surely you'd know if your dog was in pain or discomfort, they'd tell us humans right? Well its not always obvious, it can cause complex behaviours to emerge and it can go undiagnosed for ...
How Much Is Professional 121 Dog Training in Edinburgh
Professional Dog Training in Edinburgh - Reactive and Nervous Behaviour Rescue Dog Expert Training in Leith and Edinburgh I was recently speaking to a lady who was enquiring about 121 training for her dog. She recounted to me her story of how she found, and...