Complete Holistic Physical Assessment of Your Dog

Or maybe your dog is showing sudden changes in behaviour that have you questioning whether something else is going on.
“80% of dogs with behaviour problems have some form of undiagnosed pain”
Pain and Problem Behaviour in Cats and Dogs – Daniel Mills, Lincoln University
A Dynamic Dog analysis is a thorough hands off visual investigation into your dog’s postures, gaits, conformation and daily life activities to identify whether there may be underlying pain which may be contributing to your dog’s behaviour.
As Scotland’s first accredited Dynamic Dog Practitioner, I can gather
the data your vet needs to diagnose any medical issues at play.
This service is available virtually.
I can help you wherever you are in the world
Are you a dog trainer or behaviourist?
If you have a tricky case and suspect there is more to the behaviour going on or have concerns about possible pain that may be affecting a dog you are working with, I can help. I work with you to conduct a Dynamic Dog Assessment for your client and support you through communicating with the vet
When training alone isn’t working
There are a few indicators that mean a thorough physical assessment is most likely needed.

Has your dog’s reactive/unwanted behaviour been difficult to fully undo or has it continued to get worse?
Answering yes to any of these questions means that it’s vital we rule out pain and conduct and in-depth hands off assessment of your dogs postures, gaits, conformation and daily life activities.
"Outstanding knowledge"
– Jen and Yuki
It can be hard sometimes to know
your dog is in pain
Dogs don’t always whimper, cry or whine when they are in pain, in fact, the signs can often be very subtle when your dog is in chronic pain.
This can often lead to pain going undiagnosed for far longer than any of us would like.
Alongside the more widely recognised signs of pain such as lameness, panting, excessive itching or licking – behaviour problems can also indicate pain.
Behavioural signs your dog is in pain can include
A Dynamic Dog Assessment is completely hands off so your dog is fully
relaxed. It takes the time to assess your dogs physical health in detail and a range of settings. From this we can identify any potential areas of pain or discomfort. This is far more in depth then your 10 minute Vet appointment.
We gather hard data and video evidence to help your vet make a diagnosis and get your dog the treatment they need.

How it works
As a Dynamic Dog Practitioner I’ve been trained to recognise good conformation, gait and posture in dogs. As well as identify abnormal gait and posture, which can help with diagnosing pain and aid behaviour modification.
This is particularly vital if you find that behaviour modification alone isn’t changing or fully solving any behaviour problems you may be facing.

How it works:
Detailed analysis of videos and photos of your dog
Before booking we’ll have a free consultation to ensure this is the right service for you.
Case Studies
Pain and Behaviour: Why a 15 Minute Vet Check Is Not Enough.
At the moment a Vet telling an owner their dog is physically fine after less than 15 minutes, it's a behaviour problem is nothing more than a false sense of security. It delays finding out about any potential pain or discomfort until the condition has severely progressed. is my reactive…
Dynamic Dog Case Study: Brodie
The problem isn’t always straight forward, check out Brodie’s Red Herrings. Brodie is a very handsome and playful Old English Sheepdog, his owners reached out to me over problems they were having, with Brodie growling and barking towards his family in the home, at what seemed like unpredictable times. They…
Dynamic Dog Case Study: Puka
The Vet Doesn’t Always Know It All…… I first met Puka when I had be called in to help with his brother Albi’s reactivity and after inital work put in place, we discovered that Puka and Albi were having fights. The fights were in part down to one or the…
Dynamic Dog Case Study Betsy
We knew it wasn’t just a Behaviour Problem I met Besty, a Romanian Rescue Dog who was initially struggling to cope with the urban life of Edinburgh. She was reluctant to go out, scared of traffic noise, strangers and dogs. In short life outside her new home was a lot…
Dynamic Dog Case Study: Yuki
For Years the Vet said she wasn’t in pain Yuki is a 7 year old Westie and lives with her human who is a dog walker and dog trainer. Yuki had developed a ‘skip’ as she walked when she was 2 years old, after noticing that her human took her…
Dynamic Dog Case Study Katja
It wasn’t a dislocating knee but something else entirely Katja is a pocket rocket Foreign Rescue dog who I met in Nov 2021 initially because she was reactive to visitors and reactive to dogs and some people on walks. Whenever visitors arrived at her home Katja would bark and charge…