So I told you all last week that I am officially ‘In the Dog House’ with The Edinburgh Dog and Cat home (EDCH). Happening this Friday 25th myself and apox 15 other Edinburgh resisdents and business owners will be going head to head to raise as much money as we can while we are LOCKED into our own kennel for the day.

Let me see for myself.
Before the fundraising day I wanted to see what life is life for the dogs in the EDCH before they find their forever home, so I popped along last week to see for myself why every penny raised is very much needed. The home is the fixture of the Edinburgh Community and a much needed place for dogs and cats who find themseleves homeless. The EDCH take in lost or abandoned pets from Edinburgh and even the surrounding Lothians too. Last year alone the EDCH cared for 2804 Dogs and 941 Cats,so you can imagine its not going to be cheap to do all that, so every £1 counts.The Edinburgh Dog and Cat home receive no government or statutory funding meaning they rely on donations to do the work and provide a much needed service.

A dog with no home.
Did you know that the EDCH never turn away dogs and cats that find themselves without a home for what ever reason? Me neither but that is seriously impressive isn’t it!
Upon arrival at the home each dog will be individually assessed over the period of a week by an experienced team member to determin what type of dog they are. IE are the friendly/easy to handle, are the reactive to dogs, are they reactive to people, do the have visible limatitions? They get a full health assessment by the on the site vet, to determine their current state of health and to see if or what medication the dog needs. The kennel staff work hard to find out everything they can about each individual dog. It shows as each dog gets their own file attached to their kennel, it contains a record of everything they’ve done since arrival. It contains all the notes the staff have made while interacting with the dog. The staff work hard to find out and discover as much information as they can, this way they can provide as much detail and information as possible to any potential new home. Each dog is housed in their own kennel with their own bed, toys and food/water bowls – all these items come from donations, its easy to see why they need alot of bedding and old towels donated. All the dogs are fed Royal Canin Food as this is the best quality food for them in a kennel environment. It is important that while the dogs are staying in the kennels they are kept on a consistent diet. The kennels are cleaned out at least twice everyday by the kennel staff. The dogs get outside time in the outdoor pens and they also get time in the grassy area with kennel staff so they can play and have much need one on one time too. There is an on site dog trainer who works on any training problems that have been identified in the dogs assessments.

There is no better place to be.
Although to some it may seem to some a basic set up, it is clear to see there is a lot of hard work, energy and love put into caring for each individual dog. But there is also alot of cost involved caring for each dog. While it is a shame and upsetting that these dogs don’t have a home, they really couldn’t be in a better place to wait for their new home. I can’t imagine what would of happen to the dogs I saw waiting for their forever homes if it hadn’t been for the EDCH. Rescue Dogs go through massive changes in their lives before they get to their new homes and thanks to places like the EDCH they get the opportunity at a second chance.
The COVID Effect.
This year more than ever The EDCH need our help, after lockdown the home have found themselves nearly £750,000.00 short in their fundraising targets. Don’t forget they have to raise ALL they money they need to keep open, operating and saving lives. This year they have had to close the two charity shops they ran and close down the dog kennels to paying clients in a bid to save money and keep the kennels and cattery open.
I am proud to be helping fundraise for The Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home, where every pound raised will go to helping the residents of the EDCH get to their own forever home.
I would be very happy if you could help me raise as much as we can and you can do so by clicking through to my fundraising page here. Take care
The Rescue Dog Ranger®